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This agenda is continually being updated, please check back frequently for the latest information.

Opening Remarks 

10:00 CEST

10:10 CEST



10:15 CEST



10:20 CEST

Anna Shpak, Shirin Ong - Generation Female Non-Profit Association


Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo - President of Fondazione IEO - CCM
Instituto Europeo di Oncologia - Centro Cardiologico Monzino


Daria Colombo, Mayor's Delegate for Equal Gender Opportunities, Comune di Milano


Rossella Paliotto, CEO, AET Holding spa

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Keynote Speakers

10:30 CEST

10:45 CEST

11:00 CEST

11:15 CEST

Speeches by top women leaders from around the world, who are trailblazers in their own area of expertise, who will share their experiences, insights and best practices.


Leadership, Success and Transformation of Global BrandsPosessing years of experience leading high-profile, global heritage brands, Natalie Bader is an expert in building brand desirability and positioning brands to evolve with their customers and retain relevance with future generations.


The Power of Reinvention and Change
A heavyweight in the media and publishing industry, Francesca Airoldi has had to navigate a male-dominated, high pressure industry in a constant state of flux and reinvention. She is also one of UNICEF Italia's Next Generation campaign ambassadors.


Perseverance, Tenacity and Motivation
From being the first Irish woman to scale Everest from both faces, to redefining beauty standards and approaches in South Africa, where Lynne Hanna leads a global brand, she is no stranger to the skills and mindset needed to overcome challenges and drive transformative change.


Leading Your Brand to Growth, Expansion and Sales
Elizaveta Kostyleva Diaz has made a career of helping brands to enter and grow in new markets, from Russia to Mexico to Spain, and will share her experience and insights in helping companies and individuals find growth strategies and success.


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Special Workshop

11:30 CEST

E - Leadership in the New Normal Digital Landscape
Training workshop on successful leadership and teamwork on a digital environment
by Anna Shpak, Founder ARDM Consulting and President Generation Female


Panel Sessions

12:00 CEST

A diverse community of women leaders and allies across various sectors come together to share their experience and expertise


Female Founders and Leaders in the Start-Up Space
Benedetta Arese Lucini, Kate Burson, Vanessa Lim, Shaowen Ang 


Female Entrepreneurs and Businesswomen: Bricks and Mortar Business Experience

Alice and Francesca Villa, Michela Pozzato, Yulia Arikyants , Viviana Varese


New Generation - Forces for Change 
Hannah Chung, Nurul Jihadah, Divya Samtani 


Leading a Legacy - Women Leadership in Heritage Brands

Sasha Camperio, Silvia Damiani, Debora Paglieri

Capital Futures – Investor Insights
Fausta Pavesio, Luca Valaguzza


Importance of Women in Law Firms
Claudia Gregori, Cecilia Carrara, Cristina Martorana, Gabriella Geatti, Monica Colombera, Monica Riva

Fireside chats

15:00 CEST

Deep-dive into key topics with special speakers

Capital Female - Gender and Finance
Francesca Fossatelli, Lorenzo Guidotti, Riccardo Farisi, Marco Jonathan Eman


Legal: Minors, Human Rights and Diversity
Fiammetta Capecchi, Prof. Sara Chandler, Grazia Ofelia Cesaro


Expressing the Female Experience through Art
Batia Shani, Anna Mosca  


Future of Fashion and Media
Francesca Airoldi, Sarah Sozzani Maino, Maddalena Fossati, Alessia Glaviano, Cristina Lucchini

12:15 CEST

12:45 CEST

13:00 CEST

13:45 CEST

14:15 CEST

15:30 CEST

16:00 CEST

16:30 CEST

Closing remarks 

17:00 CEST

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