Francesca Fossatelli
Responsible of Flow Products Development Italy, Vontobel
Graduated in Quantitative Finance at Bocconi University of Milan and specialized in structuring and pricing of derivatives, after an experience at BNP Paribas CIB Global Markets, Milan, Francesca Fossatelli joined the Investment Banking department of Bank Vontobel Europe AG, Frankfurt. She is Responsible of Certificates and Covered Warrants for the Italian market. She introduced in 2019 the first Actively Managed Certificate listed on the SeDeX of Borsa Italiana, as well as the new range of investment certificates (Bonus, Bonus Cap, Cash Collect, Fixed Coupon and Outperformance Cap) and Turbo Certificates. She is a member of the technical committees for marketing, products and research and relations with institutions in ACEPI, Italian Association of Certificates and Investment Products.